Thursday, January 28, 2016

Students working

Student Working
I brought 603 into the lab today to start Codecademy. I had previously taken out the projector and laptop and showed them on the big screen how to get in, but today they went into the lab to actually start the HTML5 and CSS3 modules. Like my other classes this week, it went well. Every student was on Codecademy and doing the modules.

Before class I had to run around the room to make sure that everyone from yesterday's class had logged off. Most did but some didn't so I had to log off for them so that no student in this class would accidentally start off where another student ended in yesterday's class.
Close-up shot of student work

We experienced some technical difficulties -- again. One students' page kept defaulting to French and I put it on English and it reverted back to French. I could not figure it out, but he did and I am grateful. He went into his account and changed the preferred language to English. Now I know how to do this!  This happened once before and I did not know how to fix it for the student. It kept showing up in French, but now I know.

As usual, I ran around the room checking students' code, especially if when they hit "Save & Submit" the module would not accept their code. That means the student didn't do it correctly so I fielded lots of these questions.

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