Two boys coding |
Much better day today. Much better class. Although some groaned at the idea of going into the lab (because they'd rather borrow books during "library class"), I took them into the lab and most all of them got started back on Codecademy. As predicted, like yesterday, some forgot the username and/or the password they used to sign up with last Tuesday so I had one or two students working on trying to get into the program during most of the class. That was a bummer. I had one student though who told me he LOVES Codecademy and that was gratifying. He has gotten pretty far into the lessons, but he does ask me for help and I am so happy to know enough code to be able to help my students.
One boy using MIT's Scratch program |
Some students though said they don't like Codecademy so I let them go on Scratch from MIT. It is also a coding program and I understand its appeal to 6th grade boys. They learned about it in their technology class and they love it so I let them use it today. I will probably let them use it in the future as well. But except for those 6 boys, and the 1 girl who could not get in with her username and password, everyone was using Codecademy.
Unlike yesterday. I wasn't running around the room like a crazy woman. Everyone was working and I was needed only when they had questions about not passing a lesson. In this case, I checked their code and told them where the mistakes were. I have to get further in the modules myself in order to be able to continue to help the students. Large learning curve here. I've taught myself a lot of HTML but I need to get further into the lessons and into the books.
6 boys doing Scratch |
Today, I will also be introducing my 12th graders to Codecademy for the first time. I've had them use the teacher-made sheets that I've handed out, but I am hoping they like Codecademy better. That's the goal. I have no idea how much they actually learned from the sheets I made and that they copied into Editra, but today I will give my first HTML quiz and see how they do. I was going to give this quiz last Monday, on the last day of the term, but more than half of my students did not show because of the snow and I did not want them to fail, so I am giving the quiz today. I have four new students who I will excuse from the quiz, and four students who have been taken out of the class. The goal is simply that I can teach my students enough HTML that they can make a very basic Web site. In thinking about this I also realize that I will need to type up a template for them for how to make one so that they can follow it. Right now, it seems to be difficult to expect them to start memorizing the HTML tags. The goal is that they will over time. I will also gauge their learning by maybe weekly quizzes. The other thing is that I only see them twice a week now so not as much. I hope we can accomplish as much seeing each two times a week as opposed to the three times a week I saw them last term.
3 boys on the laptops |
Also, tomorrow starts the coding club that is being paid for with the INNOVATION! grant. I know I already have a good handful of students who've told me they are coming so that is good. Permission slips went out to the Marsh kids and Mr. Canale has made the announcements to the CSI students. I now just have to get announcements made at McCown. I sent an email to the principal and AP but never heard back from them.