Friday, February 5, 2016

Codecademy: Week 2: Class 5

Screenshot of Code Monster
Fridays I have my best class but most groaned when I told them we were going into the lab to continue to work on Codecademy. Unlike yesterday, I did not show them Code Monster because I felt I might be overloading them with too much information. They asked if they could borrow books and I said yes - for 7 minutes - but then we were going into the lab.

At the end of class I check every single computer to make sure that everyone has logged out. It's a lot of work! Not everyone does and I have to log out for them because otherwise the person who sits at their seat next will jump right in to the lessons where the other person left off and both will end up missing important information. Student 2 will jump into lessons that student 1 has not yet completed and Student 2 might start lessons before they have completed the first lessons. So I am always checking the computers.

As usual, I was asked for the MacBooks so I gave them out only to discover that the wifi was not working. I hope it works again by Tuesday. I don't have any other classes today.

Another screenshot of Code Monster

Most were on Codecademy but I had a few kids who have lost their patience with the program and I don't have anything else up my sleeve except for Code Monster - at least for now. I am just learning this whole process of coding as I go so expect to get better at it as time marches on. I will find out about other free coding programs, teach them to myself, and then teach them to the kids. But when the kids have me ("library" class), a lot of them just want to borrow books. I understand. It seems a waste to have an entire collection of books that they cannot borrow during their "library" time, but I want to teach them coding. This is a challenge. But some kids like it so that's a good thing. I'll hold on to that.

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