Thursday, February 4, 2016

Coding Club: First Day

Whole class working
Unfortunately, I did not take any pictures but it was a success. It turns out I had more students than I had computers. All 20 laptops were used up, all 5 desktop computers, plus the 2 behind the circulation desk. I had the kids go to Codecademy and the 4 CSI students were working diligently on it. The younger kids did well too, but of all the questions I fielded, all of them were from the younger kids. I have got to learn some other programs for the younger kids to use. I don't think it turns out that Codecademy provides enough feedback to keep the kids interested. There are no bells and whistles.

The club started at 3:00 and ended at 4:00. I really thought I would not have that much of a turnout, at least on the first day, but I did - something like 27 students! That's almost an entire class. And like in class, I was running around the room, breaking into a sweat, answering questions. It's okay. If I am exposing kids to something they might not expose themselves to on their own, than that is a good thing.

I applied for another grant to buy two more MacBooks and a computer science collection and I hope I get it. I only have four MacBooks at the moment and the kids really love using the MacBooks.

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